App fatigue. Every app developer’s worst nightmare, right? Much to our dismay, it happens far too often. According to BusinessInsider, after a month of having downloaded your app, only 15% of users stay interested. And if reading that didn't already dampen your spirits, that 15% shrinks to a mere 5% after six months.
There’s a lot of tough competition out there, and people are generally fickle creatures. They’ll get hooked on the next best thing in a matter of minutes, but delete it as soon as they’re bored. Anyone still playing Pokemon Go? Yeah, we thought not.
So don’t let yourself be the Pokemon Go of your app-type and try out our ways of avoiding app fatigue keeping your users on the hook.
1. Keep your mobile app simple
Correct us if we’re wrong, but your app was probably downloaded to resolve something in your user's life, right? Then, your app needs to be as simple as possible to use. Complex navigation, or one too many features, is only going to create an even bigger problem for your users.
2. Keep Solving your users' Problems
Okay, okay, okay. Your app IS a solution to a problem. Sure thing. We hear you. But you can help even more when you listen to your users and make adjustments, changes, or add features according to their needs. The most common reason for app fatigue is because they’re not getting quite what they hoped for.
3. updating your mobile app
This one goes out to all you business-heads out there. Ever heard of a MVP (minimum viable product)? This is what your app should be, at least on first launch. Releasing updates and features incrementally will keep users on their toes and hungry for more. Just be sure that the initial download is actually worthwhile enough for people to want, and that the update is worth the wait too.
Find out what else you need to do after your app's launched with our free checklist.

4. slowly roll out app updates, One by one
It goes without saying that apps need to be updated, not just for those dreaded software updates but because of changes in the competitive scope. New features or additions will keep users excited, but introduce these one by one. Making (what you think might be) an explosive comeback could actually just be a setback, where your users will essentially need to figure out how to use your app again and then, worst of all, delete it.
5. Push it. Push it real good.
Push notifications are definitely not something to be afraid of. Sure, there are apps that just push people away with constant alerts, but when done right can reel your users right back in.
6. The best things in life are free.
If possible, offer your users something for a discounted price or, dare we say it, *whispers* free. Gamification hooks or in-app purchases that your users find real value in can really secure their loyalty. For example, every now and then, photo-editing app VSCOcam will giveaway preset packs. Definitely helps explain their 30 million active users.
Warning: a cliche analogy coming your way. Apps are like Christmas presents. Users are excited by them, use them to death, but eventually they’re done and dusted with. Completely forgotten about. Following our tips can help your app stay out of this group and remain as relevant and fresh as the day it was launched.
Keeping your app on the radar of your users is just a small part of the post launch mobile app process. Download our free guide for more top tips.