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Attention-Juggling in the High-Tech Office

ImageInteresting observations on the impact of technology in the workplace and the work/life balance. It is very easy to get distracted from our objectives or even the quality time we should be spending with our families. On occasion, I'd have to plead guilty as charged on both counts.

"We have 120 hours of waking time a week. These new technologies - the combination of BlackBerries, home computers and cellphones - expand the time that's available for you to be working, if you choose. What's curious, and perhaps even a little insidious, is that the traditional boundary of work is being expanded to maybe not 24 hours a day, but maybe 17 hours."

Original Article from the New York Times

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Compsoft is a remote working company except for Thursdays when we work together from the Alton Maltings in Alton, Hampshire (UK). Our registered address is detailed below. We'd be delighted to have either a virtual chat with you or to make arrangements to meet in person.